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Initialization Strings:

Dell (325series)w/V32ATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell 14.4 InternalAT&F&C1&D2&K3%C0
Dell Computer Corp. Data/Fax ModemATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell Computer Corp. DELL Notebook (325 series) with V32 fax/modemATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell Computer Corp. GeneralATS0=0E1Q0V1X4
Dell Computer Corp. Laptop/Notebook with non V42/V42bisATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell Computer Corp. Notebook with V42/V42bis fax/modemATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell Data/FaxATS0=0 E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell Data/Fax 24/96VAT&F&C1&D2&K3V1
Dell Data/Fax 96/96VAT&F1&C1&D2N7Q3V2
Dell Data/FaxModemATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell DS92MAT&F&C1&D2Q3%C0
Dell DS92MATQ0V1X4&C1&D2V1A3Q0J1N1
Dell High-Speed ModelsAT&F&D0&K3&Q5S0=0
Dell Notebook (325 series) V.32 faxATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell NX20 Modem/Fax (MNP)AT&F&C1&D3%C1J0N3Q3V1W2S7=60
Dell PCMCIAAT&F&C1&D2S95=1
Dell v.34XJ PCMCIA CardAT&FW2&C1&D3&K3J0N3Q3V1%C1'H3S7=60
Dell w/nonV42/V42bisATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
Dell w/V42/V42bisfax/modemATS0=0E1Q0V1X4&K3
This page was last modified on Tuesday, 20-Nov-2007 16:44:30 EST.

Drivers Computercorp Laptops & Desktops