
Essentially an ActivCard is a hardware component that allows for the reading of the contents of a personal card or smart card like those found in driver's license among others. This device works by plugging it into an available Universal Serial Bus interface port on the host computer system. “C:Program FilesActivIdentityActivClient” c. For ActivClient 6.2 on a 64 bit operating system (x64), the location should be “C:Program Files (x86)ActivIdentityActivClient” 9. When you find the file, select it and click the Open button.

Marketinški kolačići

Ovi kolačići služe kao pomoć pri tumačenju internetskih aktivnosti korisnika te u svrhu marketinških aktivnosti, poput oglašavanja i remarketinga.

Kolačići koji se koriste:

1P_JAR - prikuplja statistiku web stranice i prati stopu konverzije Google.com/google.hr

CONSENT - postavke kolačića - google.com

DV - Google ad personalizacija - google.com


NID - Google ad personalizacija - google.com


IDE- Koristi se za prepoznavanje preglednika za oglašavanje i praćenje izvedbe i postavki. Google.com/ DoubleClick

ga - Google Universal Analytics postavlja jedinstveni ID koji se koristi za izračunavanje podataka za analitička izvješća


Actividentity Others Driver Ed

gid - koristi se za razlikovanje korisnika jednog od drugog.

Anj - Anj kolačić sadrži podatke koji označavaju da li se ID kolačića sinkronizira s našim partnerima. ID sinkronizacija omogućuje našim partnerima korištenje svojih podataka izvan platforme na platformi.

Actividentity Driver

uuid2 - Ovaj kolačić sadrži jedinstvenu, slučajno generiranu vrijednost koja Platformu omogućuje razlikovanje preglednika i uređaja.

Sess - Kolačić sesije sadrži jednu ne-jedinstvenu vrijednost: '1'. Platforma se koristi za testiranje je li preglednik konfiguriran za prihvaćanje kolačića iz aplikacije AppNexus.

Icu - Kolačić se koristi za odabir oglasa i ograničavanje broja prikaza određenog oglasa. Sadrži informacije poput broja prikaza oglasa, nedavnog prikazivanja oglasa ili broja prikazanih oglasa

Actividentity Others Driver Test

Uid - jedinstveni identifikator

cid - Cookie id (legacy) – jedinstveni identifikator

Facebook - prati konverzije FB oglasa, optimizira oglase, gradi ciljanu publiku i radi remarketing

HotJar - prikuplja informacija o ponašanju korisnika i njihovim uređajima


ActivIdentity Corporation operates as a global company in authentication and credential management, providing solutions to confidently establish a person’s identity when interacting digitally. The company addresses three identity management market segments: Employer-to-Employee, Business-to-Customer, and Government-to-Citizen. ActivIdentity™s Employer-to-Employee (E2E) solutions enable employers to provide highly secure access to data and applications for their employees, contractors, partners, and suppliers that are critical to enhance operational efficiency and strengthen corporate security and compliance. The company™s Business-to-Customer (B2C) solutions offer businesses highly secure online services for their customers that are necessary to reduce business security management costs and increase customers’ trust and confidence when engaging in business transactions. ActivIdentity™s Government-to-Citizen (G2C) solutions provide post-issuance update capabilities that are essential for government agencies when issuing smart card-based identities to citizens in the form of so-called ePassports, border crossing cards, eID cards, or driver’s licenses. Its experience is leveraged by security-minded organizations in large scale deployments, such as the U.S. Department of Defense. The company™s customers issued approximately 100 million credentials, securing the holder™s digital identity. It markets and sells its products and technologies through a worldwide direct sales force and through a network of partners, including system integrators, original equipment manufacturers, value added distributors, and value added resellers. The company was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Fremont, California.